Are My Cat’s Hairballs Normal?

Are My Cat’s Hairballs Normal?

As a cat owner, you are definitely familiar with coming across furry, slimy tubes, otherwise known as hairballs. Depending on your cat’s hair coat length, you may encounter hairballs with such regular frequency that you become worried about your feline friend’s...
What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?

What Happens During My Pet’s Spay?

Although you know you should spay your female cat to prevent a host of medical and behavior issues, as well as unwanted kittens, you may not know what exactly happens during a spay surgery. Since World Spay Day—February 23—is approaching, let’s explain the procedure,...
Why Is Wellness Care Important for Your Cat?

Why Is Wellness Care Important for Your Cat?

As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Regular wellness care is critical to detecting any subtle signs of illness or disease. The team at Cat Care Clinic is here to tell you more about why wellness care is necessary. ...
4 Easy Ways to Care for Your Cat

4 Easy Ways to Care for Your Cat

September is Happy, Healthy Cat Month! We at Cat Care Clinic want to share these four ways of keeping your kitty content and in tip-top shape.  #1: Enrich your cat’s environment As a house cat, your furry pal’s life may be pretty boring. Give your feline...
Creating a First Aid Kit for Your Cat

Creating a First Aid Kit for Your Cat

As a pet owner, are you prepared in the event of an emergency or disaster? The team at Cat Care Clinic in Bellevue, WA recommends having a first aid kit specifically for your cat. Here’s what you need to put one together. Step 1: Stock up on health care...