4 Dental Emergencies in Cats


If you’ve ever known the agony of a toothache, you know how critical it was to receive emergency treatment and pain relief. While your furry pal may not complain like people do when they are in pain, they also can suffer from cat dental emergencies. If you notice any of the following oral problems in your cat, seek immediate veterinary care.


#1: Your cat is drooling excessively

A slice of pizza or a hunk of steak may cause your cat to drool more than normal, but excessive salivation can be a sign of a serious issue. Cats who drool excessively may be suffering from a painful oral condition, or they may have ingested a toxic substance. Whatever the cause, your cat needs urgent care so the problem can be determined and treated. 


#2: Your cat is unable to use their mouth correctly

The inability to open or close the mouth correctly has several causes that all require immediate attention. Joint, bone, and muscular issues can interfere with the mouth’s correct function, and certain diseases, like tetanus, also can make it difficult for cats to eat and drink. Being unable to use their mouth properly can be painful for your cat as well, so ensure they receive emergency care.


#3: Your cat has a displaced tooth

When gnawing on a hard object, like a bone or antler, your cat may fracture or displace a tooth, damaging the ligament holding it in position. Vehicular accidents and other traumatic events also can cause teeth to shift in painful ways that need immediate treatment.


#4: Your cat is bleeding from the mouth

While the mouth is a vascular place because of the large number of blood vessels inside, bleeding that does not stop is abnormal and needs to be treated promptly. 


Are you unsure if your cat’s dental issue requires emergency treatment? Give our team a call to discuss their problem.